Flying Pigs Environmental Services is the Bow Valley’s leader in sustainable waste-management solutions. Offering recycling, garbage, and organic collection as well as consulting and confidential document destruction. We divert waste from Alberta’s landfills by customizing efficient and affordable collection services to meet your needs.

Our Collection Services
Flying Pigs helps your business reduce its ecological footprint while increasing your bottom line!
Through consultation and education, we create customized solutions for set up and storage in your recycling space or waste room. Then, we collect recycling and garbage on a schedule that works for your business. Monthly diversion reports show how much waste you divert from landfills. And you’ll see exactly how much money recycling saves you on tipping fees.
About us
Flying Pigs is a small but mighty waste-management company. We offer customized collection services as well as consulting and document destruction to businesses from Kananaskis to Lake Louise. We show up for clients daily to help realize our dream of a zero waste Alberta.

Contact us for a free quote
Find out how our customized programs can reduce your ecofootprint and increase your bottom line.
or call (403) 609-0997